Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Only one week left!!

We are getting so close to Kynlee's due date!! Carson and I are also getting a little nervous. I don't really like the feeling right now of not knowing exactly when she is coming. Carson has requested that she come right on her due date, we will just have to see how cooperative she is. ( I think it will be later than that)

35 Weeks

37 Weeks

39 Weeks

So far my pregnancy has been pretty easy, but lately I have started feeling a few more pains, and I am amazed how hard it is for me to get up and down, or even just roll over. I love to feel Kynlee move, and she gets the hiccups almost every night. My belly does feel really tight though, so I am starting to not like pregnancy and I want her to come soon. We are so excited, and I like to just sit in her room cause it is soooo cute. My Mom calls me all the time to see if I have had the baby yet. She is funny!! Mom you will be one of the first to know when the day comes, hopefully it will be sooner than later.


Brian and Kelsey said...

Hopefully she comes on time!

Anonymous said...

So exciting!!!! I want to come see her when she does come :)