Monday, September 26, 2016


You see that world map hanging up behind our table? Carson and I made it!!!! It is even larger than it looks in the picture.

It was my Olympics project. I needed a project that I could work on while I watched the Olympics so I wouldn't feel guilty about watching them rather than working on the many projects that we need to do in other parts of our house. I used an exacto knife to cut out the map while I watched, and even though my hand was numb for a day, I am so happy with how the map turned out. Carson also hung up my new light fixture, and since the Olympics have ended we have worked on redoing the kitchen cabinets. I can't wait to show the before and after pictures, but they will have to wait until the hinges we ordered come in.
On another note, I am so sad the summer Olympics are over and wont be back for another 4 years. I really love the Olympics. I have special memories of watching them with my Mom and Megan. One of the last conversatoins I had with my Mom was a funny little conversation we had about the Olympics just a week or 2 before she died. I love watching the athletes, who have worked their whole lives at their sport, accomplish great things in front of the whole world. The whole event makes me so happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty! I still don't get how you did it, I would love that in my house. Want to make me one? Hehe